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Catalogue includes images
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1893 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 054 Waterhouses Primitive Methodist Connexion
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1920 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 088 Waterhouses Show
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1812-2000s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 428 Watson Family of Barnard Castle
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1757-1928 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 011 Weardale agricultural records
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1810-1890 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 012 Weardale agricultural records
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1790-1857 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 064 Weardale census and militia returns, St. John's Chapel clergy and school
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1825-1880 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 065 Weardale views
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1953 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 534 West Kyo coronation party
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1909 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 289 West Stanley Colliery
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1909-1920 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 470 West Stanley Colliery Disaster
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1947-c.1953 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 204 Wheatley Hill
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1925-1954 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 192 Wheatley Hill Miners' Lodge and Aged Mineworkers Association
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1927-c.1935 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 085 Wheatley Hill Senior Girls School
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1791 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 039 Whitesmocks inn, Framwellgate, Durham City
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 281 Whorlton and Staindrop turnpike tolls
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1921-1950s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 474 Wilfred Mulcahy
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1832 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 330 William Harrison, West Rainton
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 229 Willington
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1950 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 210 Willington A.F.C. and Bishop Auckland A.F.C.
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1940 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 205 Willington photographs
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1914-c.1930 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 261 Windlestone
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1699; 1794 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 016 Winston and East Boldon highway surveyors
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1717 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 021 Winston, plan of Westholme estate of John Bacon
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1870-c.1980 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 110 Witton Gilbert
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1807 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 013 Wolsingham Agricultural Society
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1881 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 132 Wolsingham Baptist Church
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1920-1938 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 262 Wolsingham Observatory
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1914-c.1925 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 153 Women's Royal Air Force (WRAF)
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1910 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 144 Wooley Terrace, Crook, funeral
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1909-1995 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 341 Wright family, farmers, of Washington and Houghton
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 357
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 358
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 359
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 361
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 363
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 365
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 366
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 369
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 367
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 373
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 374
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 375
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 371
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 372
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 377
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 239
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 378
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 019
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 032
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 055
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 379
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 376
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 139
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 380
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 383
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 360
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 385
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 388
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 390
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 391
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 389
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 392
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 393
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 395
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 394
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 397
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 398
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 401
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 404
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 402
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 406
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 407
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 413
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 408
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 410
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 414
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 420
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 429
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 432
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 434
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 435
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 433
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1928 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 438
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 440
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 445
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 271
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 286
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 294
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 310
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 349
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 351
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 352
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 353
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 355
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 356
- Catalogue Title: Photographs and photocopies 1960s-1980s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 504 Bowburn, Merrington Lane, Spennymoor, Ferryhill, Kelloe
- Catalogue Title: Pickering Nook County Junior Mixed and Infants School 1893-1982 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/St
- Catalogue Title: Piercebridge C.E. School 1910-1960 Type/Category: Education RecordsDescription: E/SW
- Catalogue Title: Pittington Civil Parish 1860-1991 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Pi Burial Board, burials
- Catalogue Title: Pittington Civil Parish 1894-2014 Type/Category: Local Authority RecordsDescription: CP/Pi