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Catalogue includes images
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900 - c.1930 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 134 Postcards of church buildings in County Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 437 Private Ernest Branton, Durham Light Infantry
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 405 Private William Shotton, Durham Light Infantry
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1950-1960 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 122 Proposed new County Hall, Aykley Heads, Durham City
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1975, 1978 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 469 Rail services to Eastgate Cement Works and Eastgate station
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1960s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 234 Railways
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1825-1975 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 282 Railways in County Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1817 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 199 Removal of gunpowder from Hartlepool Church
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs late 20th Century Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 214 Research notes on Sir Thomas Andrewes, Lord Mayor of London
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1948-1997 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 354 Rev. Henry Lee, of Medomsley and Darlington Holy Trinity (part 1)
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1939-1963 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 354 Rev. Henry Lee, of Medomsley and Darlington Holy Trinity (part 2)
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1813-1828 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 035 Rev. John Scott, Home Missionary at Weardale and Wolsingham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1940 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 518 River Dyle, May 1940
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1779 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 297 Robert Blakelock
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1811-1908 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 072 Robson family of Low Fell and Seaton Sluice
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1940s-2001 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 409 Roddymoor Colliery
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1578-1753 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 228 Romaldkirk register transcripts
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 16th Century-1962 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 115 Roman Catholic records relating to Durham and Northumberland
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1960s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 507 Ron Greenwood, Harrison & Harrison, organ builders
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1889 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 023 Royal Commission on Markets, County Durham returns
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs n.d. [1890s] Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 430 Rt. Rev. Alfred Robert Tucker
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1818 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 283 Russell of Brancepeth Castle
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1920s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 465 Ruston Hornsby car
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1974 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 187 Ryhope, St Paul
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1910 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 109 Ryton Fire Brigade
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 427 S.S. William Middleton
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1930 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 149 Sacriston
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1904 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 237 Sacriston Colliery Disaster, 1903
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 20th Century Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 181 Sacriston and Witton Park pit winders
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1945-1946 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 167 Seaham Co-op
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1880 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 209 Seaham Colliery Explosion
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1877 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 029 Seaham Harbour voluntary school
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1930s-2003 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 386 Sedgefield Hospital and Spennymoor Labour Party
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1878-1881 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 296 Sedgefield School Attendance Committee
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1890 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 179 Shildon
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1855 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 051 Shildon estate belonging to the Stockton and Darlington Railway Co.
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1930-c.1960 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 240 Shincliffe
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900-1910 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 077 Shincliffe
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1892 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 219 Silksworth Colliery
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1900, 1993 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 315 Silksworth Colliery
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1860-c.1975 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 177 Silksworth and coalmining
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1824-1847 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 061 Silksworth, Mill Hill farm
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1881-1955 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 036 Sir Godfrey Hilton Thomson, educational psychologist
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1930 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 213 Sir. T. Eustace Hill
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1890s-1910s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 417 Slater family of East Howle/Windlestone
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1973-2000 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 512 Slides of buildings, including churches and other buildings of local, historical and architectural significance
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1979-1992 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 476 Slides of secular buildings and eccesiastical ruins in County Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1841 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 004 Sockburn Manor
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1970-1971 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 048 South Hetton housing, allotments and colliery
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1877-1949 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 057 South Hylton ferry, regatta and riverside industry views
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1923 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 137 South Moor Prize Band
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1915 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 485 South Moor: First World War postcard
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1919-1920s Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 457 South Moor: Hunter Miller drapery and milliner's shop
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1911-1912 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 147 South Pontop Rovers football team
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1913-c.1920 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 348 South Road, Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1929 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 540 South Shields, St Hilda Infants School
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1860, c.1922 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 306 Spennymoor gas supply and Durham coalfield
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1928 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 045 Spennymoor housing and gypsy roma traveller caravans
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1822 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 084 Staindrop Church
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1813-1840 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 176 Staindrop baptisms
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1813-1837 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 043 Staindrop parish register transcript
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1855 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 265 Stanhope
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1964-1965 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 520 Stanhope Castle Approved School
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1829-1843 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 005 Stanhope, Willow Green Farm, and estates belonging to T. Emerson
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1920-1921 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 119 Stanley Crook School
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1903 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 442 Stella Hall and Railway Cottages, Blaydon
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1830-1840 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 116 Stockton and Darlington Railway
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1870-1871 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 017 Stockton and Darlington railway
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1906 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 174 Stockton on Tees
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1925-1938 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 068 Sunderland Bridge, Croxdale, construction of new bridge over the River Wear
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1970-1974 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 184 Sunderland Hospitals
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 241 Teesdale
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900-1970 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 412 Teesdale and Weardale photographs
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1915-1916 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 441 Teesdale photographs
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1566-1743 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 006 Tempest family of Stella and Stanley, deeds
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1828-1842 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 456 Thomas Harrison Hair
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1931 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 321 Thomas O'Connell
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1821 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 222 Thomas and John Bowes
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1910-c.1950 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 186 Thornley
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1949 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 495 Thornley Junior School
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1904-c.1907 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 161 Thornley and Wheatley Hill
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1859-1976 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 150 Thornley, Ludworth, Wheatley Hill, Hartlepool and Langley Park
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1890-1983 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 450 Toal family of Crook
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 117 Tow Law
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1910-c.1950 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 154 Tow Law
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 114 Tow Law and area
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900-1910 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 040 Trimdon Colliery and Trimdon Grange
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1919-1950 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 493 Trimdon Schools
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1836 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 052 Troutbeck's Estate, House of Commons petition and debate
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1876 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 152 Tudhoe Colliery schools
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1889-1945 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 162 Tudhoe, Croxdale, Blackhall, Brancepeth and Willington
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1914-1920 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 044 Unidentified military hospital; Houghton-le-Spring drapers Pallister & Co.
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 2008 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 525 Ushaw College
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 488 Ushaw Moor Colliery
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1763 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 165 Ushaw Moor inclosure
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1900-c.1940 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 166 Various places in County Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1897-1912 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 411 Venice Dunn, Consett, photographer
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs c.1953-1971 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 338 Video copies of films held in Durham Record Office
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 396 Video: early cinema in Durham
- Catalogue Title: Photocopies and photographs 1903-1904 Type/Category: Other RecordsDescription: D/Ph 089 Waterhouses Football Team